Our Guarantee

We are very confident in our work . . . so confident we put a satisfaction guarantee as part of our value pricing model. What this means is if you are not satisfied with the quality of our video and its message, or our customer service was not satisfactory, you have the option of not paying up to 15%* of your final invoice for the work performed (does not include travel expenses). Ideally, we will work on multiple projects (positive employee relations, facility tours, training etc.) and you will have the option of holding this 15% holdback* until the end of the quarter.

Like we said, it's all about trust and communications

  • Continuous communication is paramount. Everyone wants to be "in the know."
  • Celebrations, as well as harder times, need to be part of ongoing communications.

First Cut Communications knows how to talk the talk
We investigate and customize the right approach.
We find the right language.
We present the information in a way that's educational, often entertaining, and always well accepted.

We can be in on the ground floor and tell the company story from the beginning, or we can be the knights in shining armor riding in at the 25th hour to help win a union election. For over four decades, we've been extremely successful at both.

We look forward to talking with you about a wide variety of ways for keeping employees informed and pro-company.

*Where applicable by law
